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Jul 25, 2024

Top 30 French sentences to help you at the Olympics

The Olympics are taking place in Paris… so let’s speak French!

As the world eagerly anticipates watching athletes compete in the Olympics in Paris this summer, the spotlight is not only on them but also on the language of the host nation. French lawmakers have requested that organizers, athletes, trainers, and journalists speak French as much as possible during the competition. This initiative presents a unique opportunity for visitors and fans alike to immerse themselves in the French language and culture. So, whether you are traveling to Paris or watching the summer games on TV, here are over 30 phrases to help you navigate Paris and get in the spirit of this amazing international event!

The power of ‘bonjour’

In France, greeting people with a simple hello (Bonjour) will show locals that you respect their language and social etiquette. Even if it’s the only word you know, it’s more polite to make the effort than to be perceived as rude for skipping this simple way to demonstrate your interest in their culture! So here are a few basic greetings that you can use to keep the conversation going past ‘bonjour’!

  • Vous allez bien ?
    How are you?
  • Il fait beau !
    The weather is nice!
  • Bonne journée
    Have a nice day
  • S’il vous plaît
  • Merci
    Thank you

Asking for directions in French

The summer games are taking place all around Paris and the surrounding cities, so finding your way around can often be challenging. Use this as an opportunity to practice your French and ask locals where those places are in their native language!

Unlike previous years, the opening ceremony (la Cérémonie d’Ouverture) won’t be held in a stadium. This year, the city and the Seine are the place to be! The ceremony will take place on the Seine and the buildings and spaces around it.

The competitions are held in different sports venues including the Bercy Arena for gymnastics, basketball, and trampoline, or the Olympic Aquatics Centre for Artistic Swimming, Diving, and Water Polo.

  • Où est l’Arena Bercy ?
    Where is the Bercy Arena?
  • Elle est en bord de Seine à l’arrêt Bercy.
    It is on the banks of the Seine at the Bercy stop.
  • Où se trouve le Centre Aquatique ?
    Where’s the Aquatics Centre located?
  • Il est juste à côté du Stade de France !
    It is right next to the Stade de France!
  • Où ont lieu les sports équestres ?
    Where do equestrian sports take place?
  • Au magnifique Château de Versailles !
    At the magnificent Versailles Castle!

How to get around in Paris

Once you know where you’re going, you need to make sure you know how to get there. Luckily Paris has a lot of public transportation. As you will see, the names of the different types of transportation are extremely easy in French. You can choose from the metro (le métro), the tram (le tram), the bus (le bus), or you can decide to walk (French people just say ‘go on foot’ - aller à pied). If you choose to use public transportation don’t forget to buy a ticket first!

You can purchase tickets at automated machines found in metro and tram stations. It's also a good idea to consider getting a travel pass if you plan to use public transportation frequently. Remember to validate your ticket or pass before boarding to avoid fines. Exploring Paris by public transport is efficient and allows you to experience the city like a local.

  • Comment est-ce que je peux aller au Grand Palais ?
    How can I get to the Grand Palais?
  • Prenez le métro, ligne 13, et descendez à l’arrêt Champs-Élysées - Clemenceau.
    Take the metro, line 13, and get off at the Champs-Élysées - Clemenceau stop.
  • Est-ce que ce tram va jusqu’à Bercy ?
    Does this tram go to Bercy?
  • Non, il va dans l’autre direction.
    No, it goes the other way.

You could also decide to take a taxi (un taxi) to your destination. In that case, feel free to try practicing your French with the driver!

  • Bonjour, le Stade de France, s’il vous plaît.
    Good afternoon, to the Stade de France please.
  • Merci, ça fera 27 euros.
    Thank you, it’ll be 27 euros.

What kind of sports are you watching?

This year at the Olympics, there are a total of 32 different sports, that’s a lot to choose from and to talk about. It ranges from Canoe (le canoë-kayak) to Fencing (l’escrime) or Archery (le tir à l’arc). Also, the Olympics are not only about watching sports. You can also participate in the Marathon For All (Marathon pour tous). 

This year, there will be 4 new sports in the competition with one present for the first time ever in the Olympics. Can you guess what it is? (Read through the phrases below to find out).

  • Comment est-ce qu’on dit « rowing » en français ?
    How do you say “rowing” in French?
  • Pour le sport, ça s’appelle l’aviron.
    The sport is called ‘aviron’.
  • Moi je préfère regarder la lutte !
    I prefer watching wrestling!
  • Oh non, je préfère les sports d’équipe, comme le volley.
    Oh no, I prefer team sports, like volleyball.
  • Quels sont les nouveaux sports cette année ?
    What are the new sports this year?
  • Cette année, il y a le breaking, l’escalade, le surf et le skateboard.
    This year, there’s breaking, sport climbing, surfing and skateboarding.

Who is your favorite team?

Athletes from 206 nations are competing including the Refugee Olympic Team and the Individual Neutral Athletes Team. You probably have your favorite, even if it’s not always the country you’re from.

Supporting athletes from various nations can broaden our perspective and deepen our appreciation for the global nature of the Olympics. Whether you're cheering for a legendary sprinter from Jamaica, an up-and-coming gymnast from Japan, or a trailblazing weightlifter from the Refugee Team, the Olympics offer a unique opportunity to celebrate diversity and unity. Engaging in discussions about your favorite athletes and their journeys not only enriches your viewing experience but also fosters a sense of global camaraderie and mutual respect. Here are some phrases you can use to discuss your favorite teams and learn about others’ interests:

  • Vous supportez quelle équipe ?
    What team do you support?
  • Je supporte mon équipe nationale, les États-Unis.
    I support my national team, the US.
  • Est-ce que c’est votre équipe qui joue ?
    Is it your team playing?
  • Non, mon équipe ne pratique pas la natation artistique.
    No, my team does not compete in artistic swimming.
  • Qui va gagner selon vous ?
    Who do you think will win?
  • Trop tôt pour savoir, on verra bien.
    Too early to tell, we will see.

Going for the gold

Discussing the results of the different teams and sports at the Olympics is always a big part of the games.  Sharing medal tallies, celebrating victories, and analysing unexpected outcomes are all integral to the Olympic experience. Engaging in these conversations not only enhances your enjoyment of the games but also connects you with fellow enthusiasts who share your passion. Whether you’re congratulating a team on their success or discussing the surprising results of an event, these interactions bring the excitement and camaraderie of the Olympics to life.

  • Qui a décroché la médaille d’or hier en 110m haies ?
    Who got the gold medal yesterday in the 110m hurdles?
  • La France bien sûr !
    France of course!
  • Et les États-Unis ?
    What about the US?
  • Ils ont remporté la médaille d’argent.
    They won the silver medal.
  • Et qui a le bronze ?
    And who’s got the bronze?
  • L’Allemagne est arrivée troisième.
    Germany got third place.

Start learning essential vocabulary today to enjoy the 2024 Summer Olympics in the language of this year’s host country! Go beyond our Olympics phrases and become a master in French with Drops’ fast and fun language-learning games. 


  • How can I learn French by myself?
    • The key to learning French on your own is consistency. Make sure to practice some French everyday. It’s much better to practice a little regularly than to binge on French one day and forget about it for a week!

      Drops streaks are a great way to keep track of how many days in a row you spend learning. You can get motivated by competing with your previous streak record and earning  our ‘Marathoner’ streak badges for each streak milestone you hit!

  • How can I learn French fast?
    • You can use mobile apps (like Drops) to  get the basics and build your vocabulary with just 5 mins per day. Then you can put what you've learned into action by reading French children’s books or listening to native speakers with French music, movies, and TV shows.

      Another great way to learn French fast is to do something in French every day. If you try things you would normally do in English but in French, you can train your brain to think directly in French. When you write your shopping list for example, try to write as much as you can in French and look for the words you didn’t know.

  • Is French easy to learn?
    • French is a relatively easy language to learn, especially for English speakers. English and French have a lot of words in common as they have borrowed and exchanged words over the years. In fact, many English words are originally French.

      Learning a language can feel a little tricky at the beginning, but if you’re having fun while learning, it will feel easier as you become more confident and celebrate each milestone. That’s why Drops takes a gamified approach to language learning with various game modes suited to different learning styles and rewards your achievements with badges to show your progress!

  • Can you get to B2 in French in one year?
    • Getting to a B2 level in one year will require dedication and consistent practice. Visiting a French-speaking country or speaking with friends who also speak French will make things much easier as you’ll be exposed to French all the time!The amount of time you should dedicate to French every day should be between 1 and 2 hours. This sounds like a lot but it can take many forms: watching a French movie, talking to a French friend, and learning new words on a mobile app like Drops. You can learn online with all of Drops’ language-learning features for free for up to 5 minutes per day or upgrade to Drops Premium to unlock unlimited ad-free learning time, our entire library of content, and exclusive gameplay.
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